Te sea deleniti suscipiantur deterruisset, eu quis detracto sapientem mea. An purto dicunt deserunt vix, eam te iudico tritani. Dicunt iriure ex sed, ex wisi timeam deterruisset vim
Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem
Te sea deleniti suscipiantur deterruisset, eu quis detracto sapientem mea. An purto dicunt deserunt vix, eam te iudico tritani. Dicunt iriure ex sed, ex wisi timeam deterruisset vim
Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem
New version available. Wake on LAN (WOL) is working again. Here is the Download: SleepTimer Ultimate 2.5.1
New version 2.5 available. Many Bugfixes and improvements. New changes can be found here: Changelog Download can be found here: Download
The download link of the install version is working again. Thanks for the notice.
New time option: “On window title text disappear” New multimedia option: “Close current Edge tab” Several bugfixes. Have fun! Here...
It is a new version of SleepTimer Ultimate available. After a long time without PC and support I managed to work...
It is a new version of SleepTimer Ultimate available. The new main feature is the work with profiles. You can save...
Mon-Fri : 9 to 18
Sat: 9 to 13