SleepTimer Ultimate Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Handorf Project page: Version 2.5.1 Fix: * Wake on LAN (WOL) now working properly Version 2.5 Fix: * term "Standby" was replaced by "Sleep" if app language is English due to newer Windows versions * improved command line help * showing command line help works again * improved autostart options in config dialog with more explanations * suppress ask for start timer if SleepTimer started by autostart and the option was set * improved tray icon behavior and minimizing app to tray area * force showing tray icon if SleepTimer started by autostart and option to use tray icon was not set and user has password protection enabled. otherwise app can't be unlocked. * bringing a running SleepTimer to front if the user wants to start the app twice / again * corrected button text for CPU "more than" and "less than" after app translation * save multimedia options only if button "OK" was clicked * timer will not start if mode is "On network traffic" and there are no proper settings found * open all options dialogs properly if view "Always on top" is enabled * close all option dialogs by pressing "ESC" key * taskbar preview thumbnails fixed for higher DPI monitor resolutions * not properly working "Use system font" option removed in preferences * all dialogs will using the same font * if you start SleepTimer after changing monitor/desktop options in Windows and SleepTimer would be openend in a non viewable screen space by restoring position by preferences "Remember/restore last window position" it will now show at a default position * showing OSD text right on the monitor where SleepTimer is running * saving and restoring OSD text font in/from config now working properly * OSD text is showing selected action properly * using the right CPU load threshold from config so that it is not necessary to open the CPU dialog before using this time option New: * change to a newer Embarcadero C++ Builder development tool version with much more high dpi monitor support * icons for configuration menu in higher resolutions * start SleepTimer with calling parameter "-c" followed by a name of a valid SleepTimer config file, e.g. for app options for autostart for all users * start SleepTimer with calling parameter "spawnnew" to force creating a new app instance * create SleepTimer shortcuts directly into users autostart folder * menu for opening autostart folder (all users) * menu for opening skins folder * menu for opening profiles folder * menu fpr opening Windows task scheduler * uninstall routine option to remove user settings and files * uninstall routine removes autostart password if user has one set * uninstall routine removes autostart entry in Windows Registry if set * German language integrated into SleepTimerUltimate.exe file, no more languages files needed * Help file (.chm) created that can be opened by menu "Open help" * if SleepTimer was started again / twice and with parameter -? the command line help is shown in the already opened SleepTimer instance * if SleepTimer is locked by a password then a click to the countdown notification will not show the app or abort the countdown (app notification center / balloon hint) * "System" option to prevent Windows screen saver while SleepTimer is running * "System" option to prevent monitor turning off while SleepTimer is running (relevant multimedia option still work) * in general settings an option for turning on monitor after resuming from sleep/hibernate Version 2.4.1 Fix: * in multimedia options 'pause player that uses system media control' was resetting after reopen the multimedia dialog * network option dialog was not translated after rechanging app language * app height was wrong with Windows screen scaling greater 100 % * window title options "contain" and "conform with" were interchanged * in idle mode "Now" and "Action" time were shown as a hour time on Windows with 12 h time format instead of a countdown time format with hours, minutes and seconds New: * multimedia option to close current Edge browser tab * new time option "On window title text disappear" Version 2.4 Fix: * wake up from standby should work now * wake up time calculation if timer is already started * save profiles now to user data folder due to write access problems in "C:\Program Files (x86)" * multimedia option "Turn off monitor" now works again / better * clearer choice of network adapters for network traffic mode * right program height after switching to use profiles and then after come back from tray / minimized * unwanted / unused repeatedly loading of a function from user32.dll in idle mode * action "Execute program" now works with parameters and working directory * correct translation of window for selecting MAC address * balloon hint notification now works on windows 10 and 11 * option "Force action" (shutdown / poweroff ...) now forces program terminations without showing a shutdown dialog New: * multimedia option for emulating key press on "Pause"/"Play" keyboard button * multimedia option for pausing media playback of players that using system media control * multimedia option for pausing iTunes playback * multimedia option for stopping Winamp playback * test of OSD notifications with a button click * test of balloon hint with a button click * new notification sound option "Text-To-Speech" that speaks the countdown time * option for starting timer again automatically after wake up from standby * WakeOnLan now for a whole list of MAC adresses * WakeOnLan with defineable UDP port * option for a time delay in mode network traffic (e.g for internet connection interruptions) * option for a time delay in mode cpu * support of Wifi adapters for network traffic mode * new action mode for terminating programs / processes * new action mode for disconnecting Bluetooth devices * view option "Always on top" to hold SleepTimer window in foreground * usage of "Stop multimedia" options as a standard action on every selected action type * usage of "Terminate programs" options as a standard action on every selected action type * usage of "Execute program" options as a standard action on every selected action type * usage of "Wake up computer" options as a standard action on every selected action type * "Logoff user" & "Lock workstation" as a standard action on every selected action type * adding uninstall option / entry to system control->apps and system control->programs and features * using and showing dates in ISO 8601 format for English app language * using and showing times in 12 h format for English app language Version 2.3.2 Fix: * time calculation if action is standby * wake up time calculation if action is standby * UI improvements if user has custom DPI like 110% instead of 125 or 150% Version 2.3.1 New: * Open autostart directory by main menu Fix: * Changing time not possible if action is Standby and time kind is Idle * Check for updates since uses https Version 2.3 New: * Working with profiles for fast loading of presets * Autostart with profiles * New time option: By network traffic * Windows 2000 support dropped Improvement: * Better symbols if app is themed * Better UI for high DPI screens Fix: * Wakeup event calculation, if action type is Standby Version 2.2.1 Fix: * Error at startup with Windows versions below 8.1 Version 2.2 New: * Creating shortcuts to desktop for predefined actions * Theming: 3 new skins Fix: * Some translations * If user use standby option in Windows manually and the SleepTimer timer is running, the timer still running after Windows resume instead of starting the timer again * Annoying beep sound removed if timer reached Improvement: * Better UI for high DPI screens Version 2.1 New: * Planned daily, weekly or monthly shutdown or other action * Planned wake-up from standby mode Fix: * OSD now work with themes properly Improvement: * Better remember & restore window position * Tray icon rework with native component * Better timing for notifications before action Version 2.0 Code base: * Changing from development tool based in 2002 to modern RAD studio (2016) * Full unicode support New: * Action: wake up a device on LAN (WOL) * Remember & restore used program ("Execute Program") * Remember & restore used CPU values ("On CPU load") * Remember & restore used window title ("On window caption title") * Remember & restore used MAC address ("Wake up computer (WOL)") * Automatic start with "Execute program", "On CPU load", "On window caption title", "Wake up computer (WOL)" possible * Theming: 36 skins / themes available Improvement: * CPU mode: new threshold delay of 30 seconds * Missed German Translations added Fix: * Launch program works on Windows 10 now * Several Windows theming issues * Touch device improvements * Master volume remember / restore now works on all Windows versions * Wrong text at start/stop button after app translation and started countdown * Alarm notification now works after countdown restart Version 1.3 Fix: * Set to auto start via AutostartHelper works on Windows 10 now Version 1.23 New: * Action: "Stop Multimedia" to close common media player, current browser tabs, stop system sound volume and turn monitor off Version 1.22 Bugfix: * OSD works again (missed unicode string support) * Balloon tip works again (missed unicode string support) * Fixed exception after return from Standby * Alarm sounds before action if "Only Alarm" easteregg is possible works again * Fixed Windows 8.1 problems New: * Autostart: start countdown after return from Standby * Tool: "SleepTimerAutostartHelper" helps to set Autostart to registry for UAC support (dialog) * New alarm sound: female voice Deleted: * No more Skype support as a result of too much different versions Version 1.21 Bugfix: * Mood text support for newer Versions of Skype * Restore "Idle since" option after a new start * Retranslation of Preferences window * Various fixes New: * Search for updates * Command line parameters for automatic start Version 1.2 Bugfix: * missing "Hibernate" action mode add to action menu again New: * Multi language support: german / english * Autostart feature (with optional password protection for stopping timer) * Windows 7 goodies: - optional Taskbar progressbar for timer progress - Taskbar overlay icon "Hour glass" if timer active - Taskbar thumbnail buttons for start / stop timer - Taskbar thumbnail tooltip (showing remaining time) * Skype(TM): showing timer progress in mood text * Screenshots on multiple monitors * Windows 8 support Version 1.11 Bugfix: * mehrere kleine Sch nheitskorrekturen Verison 1.1 Neu: * OSD (On Screen Display) bei Alarmzeiten * neuer Zeittyp: CPU-Auslastung < oder > Wert * Manifest f r "XP-Look" der Steuerelemente unter Windows XP / Vista / 7
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